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BNP Paribas постигна най-високата си печалба от над три години

Френската банка отчете приходи за 11,08 млрд. евро и нетна печалба от 2,55 млрд. евро

10:18 | 31.07.15 г. 81
	<em>Снимка: Ройтерс</em></p>

Снимка: Ройтерс

Най-голямата френска банка - BNP Paribas SA, отчете най-високата си тримесечна печалба от над три години след повишение на приходите и под влиянието на еднократни ефекти, съобщи Bloomberg. 

Нетната печалба за второто тримесечие възлиза на 2,55 млрд. евро (2,79 млрд. долари), като през същия период миналата година банката отчете загуба от 4,21 млрд. евро. Резултатите сериозно надвишават прогнозите на анализаторите за печалба от 1,81 млрд. евро.

Ларс Машенил, главният финансов директор на банката, коментира пред CNBC, че второто тримесечие е било „много силно“.

„Реално приключихме с двуцифрен ръст, както по отношение на печалбата, така и на приходите. При приходите ръстът е от 16%, а при печалбата – 14%“, заяви той.

Приходите на банката за вторите три месеца на годината възлизат на 11,08 млрд. евро, което също е над очакванията на анализаторите за 10,58 млрд. евро.

Банката коментира, че поскъпването на долара спрямо еврото е допринесло за силните резултати. През последните три месеца доларът поскъпна с 2,4% спрямо единната европейска валута, а на годишна база поскъпването е от 9,5%.

Приходите на френското подразделение за банкиране на дребно обаче са спаднали с 2% през второто тримесечие, което Машенил отдаде на продължаващите ниски нива на лихвените проценти.

„Ако сте в среда на ниски лихвени проценти, постоянно трябва да се адаптирате към тях. Това означава, че трябва да променяте цените, например, за да отчетете тези ниски лихвени проценти и в същото време да се грижите за нуждите на клиентите си, разбира се, стремейки се към постоянно свиване на разходите и ниска цена на риска“, заяви той.

В банкирането на дребно най-добре са се представили бизнесът с лично финансиране и международното банкиране на дребно, добави той.

„Това силно второ тримесечие допринася към ръста от първото. Когато погледнете първите шест месеца, реално имаме възвръщаемост на собствения капитал от 10,1%“, казва Машенил.

През второто тримесечие цената на риска се е увеличила с 5,6% спрямо същия период през миналата година, което Машенил отдава на придобиванията на банката.

Въпреки волатилното тримесечие за еврозоната – заради Гърция, олюляваща се на ръба на валутния съюз, главният финансов директор заяви, че вижда „признаци на подобрение“ в региона и се чувства уверен за световните икономически перспективи.

„Това, което виждаме, е, че има признаци на подобрение, тепърва ще разберем дали те ще се материализират допълнително в посока напред. А иначе сме се фокусирали най-вече върху прилагането на нашия план, както можете да видите и от резултатите“, добавя Машенил.

Всяка новина е актив, следете и в Google News Showcase.
Последна актуализация: 12:05 | 14.09.22 г.
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преди 8 години
swarovski outlet | swarovski | swarovski jewelryswarovski outlet | swarovski | swarovski jewelryswarovski online shopcheap swarovskihe number of cut depends on the unique diamond and that the cutter thinks the fact that brilliance of your stone is often maximized.Whether a gemstone is well-cut, the sweetness and worth on the gemstone is definitely increased.Cutting may affect that toughness for the stone.Some errors in trimming may expand the stones weeknesses to destroy.Carat certainly is the unit in weight helpful to measure a weight of a diamond.Diamonds are purchased by that carat.The more expensive the diamond, the costlier it is definitely.Diamonds usually are graded because of the four Cs plus these marks determine the sourcing cost of the diamonds.Diamonds mainly might South Photography equipment, Namibia, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Down under, Russia, NORTH AMERICAN, Brazil in addition to Canada.It's always reported that just about 20 per cent of mined diamond rings are suitable for being used seeing that gemstones.All others are used for other conventional purposes.Diamonds are helpful in several other industries because of quality around hardness.They are simply used with saws, oral surgeon drills, surgical scalpels in addition to coatings intended for lenses.For the good heat conductivity, it is used as heat basins in digital camera industries.Consistent with history, diamonds were used by suits in armor to get great knights in combat, and caps of kings and a queen.This gem stone was throught as a sign of braveness and invincibility.Along with, diamond was called by have miraculous powers.It was eventually believed which the wearer of this gemstone could well be endowed having superior robustness, bravery in addition to courage.In the last, diamonds ended up being also considered as talismans which may enhance this love on the husband intended for his spouse.Nowadays, diamond can symbolize appreciate, loyalty in addition to courage.Frequently, diamond is regarded as represent everlasting and like.Hence, plenty of people usually choose this diamond for wedding and reception and proposal rings.Gemstones are thought to be beautiful, unheard of and durable.The beauty of any gemstone is definitely undiminished with time.A gemstone could clean as brightly many, many years from at this point.It includes lasting value and is particularly well loved by many.So, beautiful items of gemstone jewelry are created and traditionally used for exclusive adornment combined with gifts with regard to friends and friends and family.Presenting these beautiful pieces as gifts is constantly well beloved and loved.Some persons buy gems when considering collecting these folks.They acquire these treasures fascinating and revel in having an amount of the pieces that they like.Diamond certainly is the birthstone with the month in April.As a, a part of jewelry in such a gemstone makes a superb elegant bithday present if you were born in the month.Diamond is as well the husband's stone with the 10th plus 60th season.A part of jewelry in such a gemstone will also be a good anniversary obtained in these several years.You will be amazed the way this delightful gemstone is usually made in to different rings items just like rings, charms, earrings, silver necklaces, brooches and additionally pendants.With such several items, you won't experience almost any shortage of presents. outlet blog outlet About blog
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преди 8 години
ersonalizations generate the hand made jewelries exceptional and reflect individual variations.Irrespective of an individuals choice for classiness and exact color combining or an item bright together with sassy that can really draw a lot of attention, these primary and unique components of jewelry are probably the best choice for any one who likes to be completely different.Once considered funkyersonalizations generate the hand made jewelries exceptional and reflect individual variations.Irrespective of an individuals choice for classiness and exact color combining or an item bright together with sassy that can really draw a lot of attention, these primary and unique components of jewelry are probably the best choice for any one who likes to be completely different.Once considered funky and targeted to a limited market, the hand crafted jewelry includes come a long way to become the latest buzz from the fashion mainstream.It has been re-invented while artisan jewelry and it also appeals to your broader market of rich buyers attracted to its individuality and confined availability.As an article connected with ostentation and also for sending across some text of adore and dream, personalized handcrafted jewelry has no substitutes.It can even be easily offered through online stores, customized by using ones own message as well as poems whilst still being highlight products style statement in a way that would in no way go not noticed.The entrance of hand crafted jewelry fads with almost all these exclusive health benefits has seriously redefined fashion in the present day..
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преди 8 години
ou show that you simply took time to really think about what she'd like.(And this proves that the gift isn't simply a good obligatory touch.) Listed here are eight ideas for allowing a Valentine Day gift that's personalized together with sentimental.Try combining two or more of these ideas to create something that'll be remembered for years to come.1.Give the woman's favorite type of flowers.Although some may worry how the gift with flowers might be cliche, the secret is within the personalization.If she's traditional and formal, opt for the long stemmed red-colored roses.But studies indicate that a lot more than 60% with women give preference to bouquets within pastel designs, such because yellow, peach, red, and whitened.Tailor your own floral choice to the girl's unique disposition.What colours does she favor around her residential and workplace? What types of plants and flowers are within her dwelling? If you don't know the girl's favorite plants and the woman's favorite colors, ask.Women like it when men know these details about these products.Select your floral arrangement accordingly, and take the time to put some thought to the card, too.Your greatest bet would be to write your personal romantic feeling that pulls from the specifics of your relationship.If you're stuck, simply make a summary of 5 or even 10 stuff that you like about your partner, the more specific the greater.For instance, "I love the way in which your locks smells following a walk in the woods, " and also "I love how you take caution of me when i am ou show that you simply took time to really think about what she'd like.(And this proves that the gift isn't simply a good obligatory touch.) Listed here are eight ideas for allowing a Valentine Day gift that's personalized together with sentimental.Try combining two or more of these ideas to create something that'll be remembered for years to come.1.Give the woman's favorite type of flowers.Although some may worry how the gift with flowers might be cliche, the secret is within the personalization.If she's traditional and formal, opt for the long stemmed red-colored roses.But studies indicate that a lot more than 60% with women give preference to bouquets within pastel designs, such because yellow, peach, red, and whitened.Tailor your own floral choice to the girl's unique disposition.What colours does she favor around her residential and workplace? What types of plants and flowers are within her dwelling? If you don't know the girl's favorite plants and the woman's favorite colors, ask.Women like it when men know these details about these products.Select your floral arrangement accordingly, and take the time to put some thought to the card, too.Your greatest bet would be to write your personal romantic feeling that pulls from the specifics of your relationship.If you're stuck, simply make a summary of 5 or even 10 stuff that you like about your partner, the more specific the greater.For instance, "I love the way in which your locks smells following a walk in the woods, " and also "I love how you take caution of me when i am tired." Brainstorm particular memories and list them within the card.two.Burn the CD of special audio.Include her favorite songs, as nicely as songs which are important to your relationship.Remember those tunes that bear a unique message about how you feel about one another.If you're stuck, include the classic intimate love songs, perhaps "Wonderful Tonight" through Eric Clapton or even "Forever and Ever Amen" by way of Randy Travis.3.Shock her along with her favorite meal and/or treat.Here is really a romantic standby:dark chocolate covered strawberries.Buy some dark chocolate covered strawberries, or even whip a few up yourself.All you'll need is unique strawberries (preferably lengthy stemmed), a little bag of semisweet chocolate chips and in regards to a teaspoon from vegetable shortening.Melt the actual chips within the microwave, stirring within the shortening.Then dip the washed and dried strawberries within the melted chocolate brown, and place on waxed document to cool.These are fun to share with some bottle associated with champagne, before a roaring fireplace.four.Tickets for an event your lover will enjoy.Whether it's an opera, a ballet, the sporting occasion, or the monster truck rally, the important thing, once once again, is to personalize the big event to the woman's unique choices.5.What's her preferred pampering treat? Whether it's a massage or perhaps a pedicure, set her up with an hour or two just for her.Or, better yet, go along and enjoy a restorative massage alongside their.6.Jewellery.Many women dream about getting some sentimental piece of jewelry in Valentines Time.And the majority of jewelers offer great deals on spirit pendants, in addition to diamonds, this season.You can personalize rings in two various ways:1.Ensure that the item you choose is a specific thing she will probably wear.Will she choose necklaces to bracelets? Might she put on an anklet? What's her favorite type of stone? (Hint:it is probably not a diamond.) two.Add an easy engraved message.7.Make an easy photo book of the times you have spent collectively.Or frame your preferred photo of both of you.Many online photo digesting websites will help you to make a relatively inexpensive enlargement of the favorite shot.Some may even ship it for you, framed.8.Plan a romantic weekend getaway.This doesn't have to cost a lot.Go for an online journey website and search for romantic end of the week specials in your city.The Internet makes it easy to find lots of great love packages meant for couples, particularly around Valentines Day.Your mate might even have a favorite hotel or even spa the place she loves to stay (or includes always dreamed of staying).The important thing to giving the best romantic gift would be to fit this exactly to your partner.If you don't know the facts, simply request her what she really loves.A unique Valentines Time of day gift shows you have been music playing and you have taken the time to pick out something most suitable.It shows your lover that you actually truly care and attention, (and this proves that you're quite your catch).
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