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BNP Paribas постигна най-високата си печалба от над три години

Френската банка отчете приходи за 11,08 млрд. евро и нетна печалба от 2,55 млрд. евро

10:18 | 31.07.15 г. 81
	<em>Снимка: Ройтерс</em></p>

Снимка: Ройтерс

Най-голямата френска банка - BNP Paribas SA, отчете най-високата си тримесечна печалба от над три години след повишение на приходите и под влиянието на еднократни ефекти, съобщи Bloomberg. 

Нетната печалба за второто тримесечие възлиза на 2,55 млрд. евро (2,79 млрд. долари), като през същия период миналата година банката отчете загуба от 4,21 млрд. евро. Резултатите сериозно надвишават прогнозите на анализаторите за печалба от 1,81 млрд. евро.

Ларс Машенил, главният финансов директор на банката, коментира пред CNBC, че второто тримесечие е било „много силно“.

„Реално приключихме с двуцифрен ръст, както по отношение на печалбата, така и на приходите. При приходите ръстът е от 16%, а при печалбата – 14%“, заяви той.

Приходите на банката за вторите три месеца на годината възлизат на 11,08 млрд. евро, което също е над очакванията на анализаторите за 10,58 млрд. евро.

Банката коментира, че поскъпването на долара спрямо еврото е допринесло за силните резултати. През последните три месеца доларът поскъпна с 2,4% спрямо единната европейска валута, а на годишна база поскъпването е от 9,5%.

Приходите на френското подразделение за банкиране на дребно обаче са спаднали с 2% през второто тримесечие, което Машенил отдаде на продължаващите ниски нива на лихвените проценти.

„Ако сте в среда на ниски лихвени проценти, постоянно трябва да се адаптирате към тях. Това означава, че трябва да променяте цените, например, за да отчетете тези ниски лихвени проценти и в същото време да се грижите за нуждите на клиентите си, разбира се, стремейки се към постоянно свиване на разходите и ниска цена на риска“, заяви той.

В банкирането на дребно най-добре са се представили бизнесът с лично финансиране и международното банкиране на дребно, добави той.

„Това силно второ тримесечие допринася към ръста от първото. Когато погледнете първите шест месеца, реално имаме възвръщаемост на собствения капитал от 10,1%“, казва Машенил.

През второто тримесечие цената на риска се е увеличила с 5,6% спрямо същия период през миналата година, което Машенил отдава на придобиванията на банката.

Въпреки волатилното тримесечие за еврозоната – заради Гърция, олюляваща се на ръба на валутния съюз, главният финансов директор заяви, че вижда „признаци на подобрение“ в региона и се чувства уверен за световните икономически перспективи.

„Това, което виждаме, е, че има признаци на подобрение, тепърва ще разберем дали те ще се материализират допълнително в посока напред. А иначе сме се фокусирали най-вече върху прилагането на нашия план, както можете да видите и от резултатите“, добавя Машенил.

Всяка новина е актив, следете и в Google News Showcase.
Последна актуализация: 12:05 | 14.09.22 г.
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o unleash his or her creativity and enables you to enhance the lives.One can find those who assume beads can become an obsession.Some mention that how to attract addictive.Yet, it is definitely satisfying to apply beads to make beautiful masterpieces for your self, for the home, or while gifts in your friends.The wonder of beadwork is certainly its freedom.There is several beads you could choose within the market.A wide range for beading supply is offered.You can simply select the types, figures, sizes, colors together with textures within the beads to set-up the pattern you'd like.Besides, there's an easy wide selection of beading techniques that is applied in order to beads:electrical circuitry, threading, weaving, inserting and embroidering.You can go for the method you like.Beading techniques is uo unleash his or her creativity and enables you to enhance the lives.One can find those who assume beads can become an obsession.Some mention that how to attract addictive.Yet, it is definitely satisfying to apply beads to make beautiful masterpieces for your self, for the home, or while gifts in your friends.The wonder of beadwork is certainly its freedom.There is several beads you could choose within the market.A wide range for beading supply is offered.You can simply select the types, figures, sizes, colors together with textures within the beads to set-up the pattern you'd like.Besides, there's an easy wide selection of beading techniques that is applied in order to beads:electrical circuitry, threading, weaving, inserting and embroidering.You can go for the method you like.Beading techniques is usually either threadless or threaded.Although one can find relatively few methods to uniting beads without twine, such like glue or tile grout, yet, there are 100s of ways involving the effective use of thread.As each completed item might be a result for yourself selection, resourcefulness and competency, you will obviously derive excellent satisfaction in the work.Beading is known an economical craft function.You don't require a specialized workshop.You require a table, superior lighting, certain beading devices and selected beads.Easy, you can design as well as make genuinely exciting components of beaded merchandise.You can even create a form of jewelry designed to become a fiction writer heirloom! Techniques of beading are effortless learn.There's lots of resources on the market with step-by-step beading instructions help a starter to sit and learn doing beading assignments.When you will have learned the basic techniques, you can don't wait to create additional pieces using a plethora of your have ideas.Could be as easy as modifying the colorations on among the list of beading patterns you will have learned and / or using beads of a different volume.You are surprised at what amount these little changes can adjust the look within the original section.The likelihood of creating different designs really are endless.You could attempt to use your style after generating it.If you learn of that an individual's idea really don't work, you could take it all apart and consider using a new 1.Beading is certainly fun together with interesting.Get adventurous, always experiment and that you will enjoy this.
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преди 8 години
o mention hardwood.They are really called imitation wood blinds given that they look enjoy wooden window shades.However, they tend to be more durable rather than real wood consequently they are suitable for anyone rooms of your home, even people with high amounts of humidity.Faux timber blinds also are much simpler to clean rather than wood window shades.The crucial reason that synthetic wood blinds are getting to be so favorite is who homeowners such as the look with blinds in their windows as well as the fauxwood your blinds are low-cost.Faux wooden blinds can easily cost 30% only wood window shading.They furthermore last considerably longer than blinds made from real hardwood, which may make them really cost-effective.An infrequent cleaning plus dusting can keep faux wood window blinds in great condition.The reality is, these window treatments are for that reason durao mention hardwood.They are really called imitation wood blinds given that they look enjoy wooden window shades.However, they tend to be more durable rather than real wood consequently they are suitable for anyone rooms of your home, even people with high amounts of humidity.Faux timber blinds also are much simpler to clean rather than wood window shades.The crucial reason that synthetic wood blinds are getting to be so favorite is who homeowners such as the look with blinds in their windows as well as the fauxwood your blinds are low-cost.Faux wooden blinds can easily cost 30% only wood window shading.They furthermore last considerably longer than blinds made from real hardwood, which may make them really cost-effective.An infrequent cleaning plus dusting can keep faux wood window blinds in great condition.The reality is, these window treatments are for that reason durable, it is easy to take these down through the window not to mention wash them within the bathtub.You'll find fauxwood window shading in sizes to adjust to the most miniscule or main window.While you should buy them within the store through sizes almost similar to that on your window, you should also have them customized.Custom designed faux raw wood blinds aren't expensive either to aid you to dress a windows on the perfect style without occuring extra charges.They are located in mini window blinds or straight blinds and you'll also secure these with motorized designs.Installing imitation wood blinds is known as a simple situation.You only have to decide where you may mount that brackets -- inside or away from facings upon your window.Almost all the faux wood window blinds come on measurements and fit snugly in the facings, as opposed to replacing want them all outside maybe you have to try to find cheap artificial wood blinds that happen to be an inch perhaps wider.If you mount the actual brackets, next you simply slide inside head rail from the blind in addition to insert the miscroscopic covering of which keeps them from falling out.Then you are able to attach typically the wand which is used to open and even close this slats not to mention you're prepared.No matter if you use the synthetic wood window shading inside or beyond your facing, you might use valances as well as drapes with your blinds.If you happen to purchase all the fauxwood up and down blinds, then this carries a covering to the head railroad, so you should not have any valance.Most home owners do possess a small valance and also topper finished both pretend wood window shades and authentic wood shutters, just to fit the n? cor in the room and to improve its ambience.
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