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Пречките, които поставят търговските партньори пред европейските фирми

Русия ограничава вноса на храни от Европа, а в САЩ е трудно да се запази интелектуалната собственост, сочи доклад на ЕК

15:41 | 19.03.15 г. 56
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Пречките, които поставят търговските партньори пред европейските фирми

През 2014 г. Русия неправилно е прилагала тарифите на Световната търговска организация (СТО) за редица продукти, показва нов доклад на Европейската комисия (ЕК). През август страната отговори на наложените санкции на Запада със забрана за внос на селскостопански и хранителни стоки – почти всички видове месо, млечни продукти, плодове и зеленчуци.

Москва предприе и програма за субсидиране на производителите на селскостопанска техника, което е в ущърб на европейските производители, имащи сериозен интерес към руския пазар.

Докладът преглежда търговските и инвестиционните бариери пред бизнеса в ЕС, налагани от шест стратегически партньора – Китай, Русия, САЩ, Индия, търговската организация Mercosur (Бразилия, Венецуела, Парагвай, Уругвай и Аржентина) и Япония.

В Брюксел отдавна коментират, че налагането на ограничения всъщност намаляват конкуренцията и вредят на нормалното развитие на световната икономика. По тази причина и ЕК работи активно за преодоляване на бариерите с помощта на различни търговски споразумения, отбелязва докладът.

Въпреки тези усилия в Индия например европейските компании все още изпитват сериозни затруднения за навлизане на пазара на IT продукти и битова електроника. През миналата година страната наложи и нови правила при етикетирането на козметичните продукти. На тях вече трябва да е описано дали продуктите са от растителен произход.

Наложена беше и забрана за тестове на продуктите върху животни, което може да се окаже проблем пред европейските производители, защото козметичните продукти все още съдържат някои съставки, които се изпитват върху животни и тяхната замяна на този етап не е възможна.

Китай пък налага сериозни рестрикции върху чуждите инвестиции. Властите продължават да смятат, че само разработената в Китай технология за сигурност на информацията е „сигурна“, което е бариера пред чуждите компании, които разработват апликации за IT сектора.

Япония не е въвеждала нови бариери от началото на преговорите по Споразумението за свободна търговия (FTA), но въпреки преговорите по Трансатлантическото партньорство за търговия и инвестиции (TTIP) със САЩ все още съществуват пречки пред европейските компании.

Безпокойство буди кампанията в подкрепа на местните продукти и услуги „Купете американското“, както и трудностите по опазването на интелектуалната собственост – основно географските обозначения на ЕС за храни и напитки. В доклада се посочва, че в TTIP всъщност има визирани възможности за по-добра защита на тези обозначения.

Всяка новина е актив, следете и в Google News Showcase.
Последна актуализация: 12:14 | 14.09.22 г.
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преди 9 години
now spice up a more comfortable casual shoe and search great without giving up their consolation.Another wonderful benefit to using black sneakers is that they are less gonna show dress yourself in like scuff dirt, or debris and scuff marks.If you actually scuff these people while on your way to get dancing, no one has to be the smarter.This is false when dressed in shoes of any lighter tone.Athletes are now favoring black color sports shoes for any same rationale.It's rare to see the whitened sneakers of now spice up a more comfortable casual shoe and search great without giving up their consolation.Another wonderful benefit to using black sneakers is that they are less gonna show dress yourself in like scuff dirt, or debris and scuff marks.If you actually scuff these people while on your way to get dancing, no one has to be the smarter.This is false when dressed in shoes of any lighter tone.Athletes are now favoring black color sports shoes for any same rationale.It's rare to see the whitened sneakers of your old a short time that started out looking tidy and happen to be soiled by end of an sports fit.Black athletics shoes might look as good as they did every time they arrived for the event, when it's time for any athlete to go home.You will now discover them adorning your toes of numerous baseball not to mention soccer players due to this very valid reason.Black shoes that get scuffed as well as dusty are easily cleaned that has a damp cloth that will regain your luster by using a good schokoh?utige shoe develope.This adds to their lure because less heavy colored shoes won't clean as well.You might get black sneaker polish featuring a "scuff" removal ingredient that will make your damaged shoes resemble new for a second time.This implies the shoes will be wearable for a longer period of precious time than its lighter cousins.The next time you make purchases for boots and shoes, get a few more pair with black.The same way you may never have an excessive amount jewelry, you can never have enough black sneakers.
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преди 9 години
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преди 9 години
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преди 9 години
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преди 9 години
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преди 9 години
tiffany jewellerytiffany jewellerytiffany and co singaporetiffany jewellerytiffany jewellerytiffany and co singaporetiffany and co canadatiffany and co sydneywheel isn't going to work while you're in this approach mode.Implementing "REW" plus "FFW", you can take a look at the listings of tests to see which one you ought to have.But if the iPod is certainly older, often times there are tests you may run upon 1G to make sure you 4G's.The 5 during 1 may run a few separate tests on one occasion that add some LCM, SDRAM, RTC, FLASH/CHECKSUM.AMD FOREWORE/FW USERNAME.For 3G iPods, you can expect to hear a jingle should the test offers completed.RESET will inform you of if your own iPod could reset.Any AUDIO experiment will test the apple ipod audio subsystem.For people with a remote computer repair, the REMOTE COMPUTER REPAIR will test that.Make certainly your apple ipod is blocked in or you may get "RMT FAIL" for your screen.FIREARE could check any FireWire port.You choose to see "FW PASS".SLEEP can offer your iPod an escape but you've got to reset your system to restore it.To use your iPod's ability, you will probably need to run the actual A only two D examine.You will receive different outcomes based on where your current iPod gets its power from the battery and / or wall release.If your scroll table is delivering fits, go the THAT I.OTPO CNT experiment.To make sure that the display is performing properly, go the LCM experiment.You will probably need to keep possessing down a "Select" button to have it tell you several motifs.The RTC experiment will test the authentic time clock in your own iPod.To use the ipod devices RAM remembrance, run a SDRAM experiment.If you might want to find outside what firmware version you've on a iPod, only run any FLASH experiment.The OTPO or simply Wheel A2D could test all the analog for you to digital input to your iPod's scroll controls.After the test, you've got to reset an individual's iPod.Find out if you now have a healthy hard drive? Do a HDD Scan.The PERFORM IN test will check the chips sets non-stop.Upon having completed most of necessary medical tests, you will probably need to reset your current iPod to get it due to Diagnostic Manner.The newer iPod check names are much better to understand plus won't get away from you interested in your dork dictionary.Any MEMORY experiment will experiment the SDRAM, IRAM, together with FLASH remembrance.The SDRAM stands out as the RAM memory test, which will take seconds.You should take time to see "SDRAM OK".The SHOW test that will know exactly where you mp3 player stands for flash ram.The Comms test that will know the ports are generally faring.On the liner if your own remote is not really connected towards your iPod should you get some NG, or simply no superior result, to your HP, headphone-port.The Table test could test the crucial element and controls.The LCD examine will test the colours, patterns, and gradients to your LCD.To use your support switch, you can expect to do any Headphone Detect test.At the time you own some sort of iPod, you want make sure that you experience protected your own investment.An iPod is not really cheap, together with neither happen to be your song downloads.Keep a person's iPod with top working hard condition from learning a handful of actions at home in place of paying another person to correct it. jewellery blog jewellery About blog
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преди 9 години
[b][url=http://***]wedding dress lace[/url][/b] | [b][url=http://***]wedding dresses[/url][/b] | [b][url=http://***]dress for wedding[/url][/b][b][url=http://***]wedding dresses outlet[/url][/b][b][url=http://***]wedding dresses online[/url][/b]s would you like to have? What considering prepared to spend the flowers? As it's well known real flowers can be costly on a florist.First came across consider medicare supplement wedding it will be, if is it doesn't traditional the white kind of wedding then there's a lot of types with flowers you can consider.What would you like to decorate together with flowers? Any Church?, receptions?, buttonholes? Corsage? And perhaps even that cake.The period needs to get considered even as genuine flowers undoubtedly only prosper at peak times of 2010 although together withwedding dress lace | wedding dresses | dress for weddingwedding dresses outletwedding dresses onlines would you like to have? What considering prepared to spend the flowers? As it's well known real flowers can be costly on a florist.First came across consider medicare supplement wedding it will be, if is it doesn't traditional the white kind of wedding then there's a lot of types with flowers you can consider.What would you like to decorate together with flowers? Any Church?, receptions?, buttonholes? Corsage? And perhaps even that cake.The period needs to get considered even as genuine flowers undoubtedly only prosper at peak times of 2010 although together with imports a number this will be addressed.The color might also want to be considered in order that the types from flowers we all choose blends aided by the wedding garment and bridesmaids outfits.Should it be a spring wedding there are a number types about flowers that any of us can select, tulips consist of many colorings and develop, daffodils at all times look as a result cheerful along with sunny especially as family table decorations.Roses are specifically delightful simply because they come in a great number of colors so you have typically the added extra of exquisite scent.Another option for those types regarding flowers you use may be silk flowers which are usually so realistic which you can not show the difference from the real kinds, these consist of all sizing's, shapes and additionally colors while obviously certainly no scent.The cost of such is not much different to real a flower bouquet but together with the vast array apparently in stores you can probably cut the fee by pc few at a stretch in different places.The benefits for using these sorts of flowers is that they may be picked and ordered before the wedding without a problem of the flowers wilting.With these sorts of flowers you can get whatever you choose as they've been not in season unlike genuine flowers.They are used for the purpose of decorating that tables along with the wedding wedding cake as they don't spoil or perhaps mark your cake, or simply drop pollen.The added advantage with these sorts of flowers is that they may be kept once the wedding to be able to serve to be a reminder in the perfect day.Now you may also but freeze dries flowers that is absolutely an alternative for scattering above the tables or perhaps the cake with the reception physical place.So for every choose there may be plenty around and a blend of the different types is always available.
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преди 9 години
wedding dress lace | wedding dresses | dress for weddingwedding dress lace | wedding dresses | dress for weddingwedding dresses outletwedding dresses onlines would you like to have? What considering prepared to spend the flowers? As it's well known real flowers can be costly on a florist.First came across consider medicare supplement wedding it will be, if is it doesn't traditional the white kind of wedding then there's a lot of types with flowers you can consider.What would you like to decorate together with flowers? Any Church?, receptions?, buttonholes? Corsage? And perhaps even that cake.The period needs to get considered even as genuine flowers undoubtedly only prosper at peak times of 2010 although together with imports a number this will be addressed.The color might also want to be considered in order that the types from flowers we all choose blends aided by the wedding garment and bridesmaids outfits.Should it be a spring wedding there are a number types about flowers that any of us can select, tulips consist of many colorings and develop, daffodils at all times look as a result cheerful along with sunny especially as family table decorations.Roses are specifically delightful simply because they come in a great number of colors so you have typically the added extra of exquisite scent.Another option for those types regarding flowers you use may be silk flowers which are usually so realistic which you can not show the difference from the real kinds, these consist of all sizing's, shapes and additionally colors while obviously certainly no scent.The cost of such is not much different to real a flower bouquet but together with the vast array apparently in stores you can probably cut the fee by pc few at a stretch in different places.The benefits for using these sorts of flowers is that they may be picked and ordered before the wedding without a problem of the flowers wilting.With these sorts of flowers you can get whatever you choose as they've been not in season unlike genuine flowers.They are used for the purpose of decorating that tables along with the wedding wedding cake as they don't spoil or perhaps mark your cake, or simply drop pollen.The added advantage with these sorts of flowers is that they may be kept once the wedding to be able to serve to be a reminder in the perfect day.Now you may also but freeze dries flowers that is absolutely an alternative for scattering above the tables or perhaps the cake with the reception physical place.So for every choose there may be plenty around and a blend of the different types is always available. lace blog lace About blog
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преди 9 години
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преди 9 години
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