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Музикаутор и New Media Lab в спор за прозрачността на пазара на музика

Прекратеният договор между двете организации повдига редица въпроси за възнагражденията на авторите на музика

15:28 | 19.03.15 г. 35
Музикаутор и New Media Lab в спор за прозрачността на пазара на музика

Дружеството за колективно управление на авторски права „Музикаутор“ не използва никакъв независим и прозрачен медиен мониторинг в момента, което ощетява авторите в музикалната индустрия. Липсата на подобен партньор означава, че в системата “автор - ползвател -  разпределение” липсва коректив. Това заявиха от компанията New Media Lab, специализирана в мониторинга на аудио и телевизионни програми с точен анализ на излъчените в ефира музика и реклами.

От New Media Lab посочват, че „Музикаутор“ едностранно е прекратило договора си с нея, без да даде ясни мотиви защо го прави, като по този начин оставя системата без възможност за външен коректив.

„Важно е да има независим медиен мониторинг, който да се ползва от дружествата като „Музикаутор“ и „ПРОФОН“. Те са коректив, чрез който цялата верига си гарантира и изгражда доверие. Така авторите следят какво е излъчвано от техните произведения и могат да преценят какво могат да очакват под формата на финансови средства, разпределени за техния труд“, коментира Лина Митова, която отговаря за бизнес развитието и маркетинга в New Media Lab.

По думите ѝ отчетите на New Media Lab имат задачата да валидират или оспорят отчетите, давани от медиите, които са длъжни да обявяват коя музика и колко пъти са излъчвали.

От своя страна, от „Музикаутор“ обявиха, че смятат, че българският изпълнител на услугата е избрал похват, който е далеч от установените норми за коректна бизнес комуникация.

Според „Музикаутор“ New Media Lab е търговска организация, а опитите ѝ за намеса във вътрешната дейност на дружеството са напълно неприемливи.

“Зад търсената от тях публичност по един частно-правен въпрос прозират много повече бизнес интереси, отколкото загриженост за дейността на „Музикаутор“ и защитата на неговите членове”, коментират от дружеството за управление на авторски права.

Като основна причина за прекратяване на отношенията с New Media Lab от „Музикаутор“ посочват направен сравнителен анализ, основаващ се на отчетите на компанията за мониторинг и тези на медиите. Той показва, че отчетите на New Media Lab са непълни, тъй като не обхващат напълно програмите на БНР и БНТ, които са от ключово значение за българските изпълнители. Сред другите пропуски, които посочват от „Музикаутор“, са липсата на възможности за мониторинг на филмова и фонова музика, както и заглавия на произведения, които присъстват в отчетите, съставени от ползвателите.

“Голяма част от фонда на БНР е уникален и разнообразен, ето защо няма как голяма част от него да бъде фингърпринтирана. Няма компания, която да ви даде по-точни отчети за това от самото БНР, но и тези данни не са много верни“, коментира изпълнителният директор на New Media Lab Константин Куситасев. Според него не е възможна 100% разпознаваемост на произведенията, тъй като става дума за изпълнения на живо, концерти и други.

„Лишавайки се от тези отчети, „Музикаутор“ остава с непълни собствени отчети“, уточни още той. По думите на Куситасев New Media Lab разпознава около 90% от българската музика, излъчена в ефир, както и 95% от изпълнената чужда музика. Изключение има само за програмите “Хоризонт” и “Христо Ботев” на БНР. Като цяло за музикалните радиа и телевизии разпознаваемостта на компанията е около 95 на сто.

По думите на изпълнителния директор на „Музикаутор“ Иван Димитров дружеството винаги е било коректен партньор, а в момента разглежда други възможности за извършването на мониторинг. Днес представители на „Музикаутор“ имат среща с BMAT, испанска компания, която развива бизнеса си в 35 държави по целия свят.

“Тя има сериозно портфолио и възможности. От известно време водим преговори с нея. През последните пет години работим изключително прозрачно и ще продължим да го правим”, коментира Димитров, допълвайки, че „Музикаутор“ предоставя информация, която е без аналог в цяла Европа.

От дружеството за колективно управление на авторски права твърдят, че срещата може да доведе до сключването на ново партньорство за медиен мониторинг, а необходимото време за наваксване на пропуснатите 4 месеца без ползването на подобна услуга ще отнеме между 4 и 6 месеца.

Всяка новина е актив, следете и в Google News Showcase.
Последна актуализация: 06:33 | 14.09.22 г.
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преди 9 години
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Ensure that the grass is reduce, the lawn is properly edged not to mention any junk from the yard fully gone.A easy, colorful garden is usually appealing.Hold it weeded.Strategically set pots of bright flowers on the entryway.There're welcoming, emanate warmth, and are also always visually pleasing.If at all, remove playground equipment because its not all buyer would have a home; it takes up space and can give all the impression that the yard is actually smaller than its.The pool need to be sparkling as well as pool fashion accessories well kept.Do what must be done to fix up chipped paint, faded pack boards, or maybe a rusted mail.Paint your doorway.A well-appointed doorway gives potential purchasers that all-important amazing first sense.It pronounces, "I am maintained."For anyone who is not normally obsessive about keeping typically the dust bunnies from increasing, now may be the time to obtain better acquaintpadora charmspadora charmspandora braceletpandora salepandora jewelry define "beauty" for him or her.They is the keys to opening up a homebuyer's spirit and credit card.1.CleanFirst impressions are necessary.And suppress appeal means exactly that:How does your private home look in the curbside.Check your own emotions for the curb.Stand out on your way in front of your house with a notepad.What will you see? Ensure that the grass is reduce, the lawn is properly edged not to mention any junk from the yard fully gone.A easy, colorful garden is usually appealing.Hold it weeded.Strategically set pots of bright flowers on the entryway.There're welcoming, emanate warmth, and are also always visually pleasing.If at all, remove playground equipment because its not all buyer would have a home; it takes up space and can give all the impression that the yard is actually smaller than its.The pool need to be sparkling as well as pool fashion accessories well kept.Do what must be done to fix up chipped paint, faded pack boards, or maybe a rusted mail.Paint your doorway.A well-appointed doorway gives potential purchasers that all-important amazing first sense.It pronounces, "I am maintained."For anyone who is not normally obsessive about keeping typically the dust bunnies from increasing, now may be the time to obtain better acquainted with your broom.Not a soul wants in order to visualize residing in a mucky house.Hold it thoroughly clean and smelling normally fresh, and visions of your dwelling as their residence will be easy to conjure " up ".Seriously consider the cleanliness belonging to the entry, the kitchen and the bathrooms.These rooms may make or break the sale to a house.Hold them gleaming, clutter-free in addition to bright.3.Uncluttered A nicely staged house is one that was mercilessly lessen.It is actually anonymous; not any family pictures, no gifts, no knick-knacks.Homebuyers will not be like visitors.They can be in your cupboards, cabinets and medication cabinets.Don't clear off your counters and leave everything inside the cupboards.Reducing excess "stuff" will be cathartic, but if at all just much too daunting a task to tackle your self enlist the help of a close friend, or hire an established organizer (See:Nation's Association associated with Professional Organizers).Episode the cellar, garage as well as every closet/cupboard in your house with typically the fierce will of the army drill sergeant.Make it possible for no errant footwear, unused your kitchen's gadget, or expired cough syrup bottle go by without to begin with scrutinizing it all.Keep only whatever you use or even wear sometimes.Pack the rest as well as either decommission it again (re-sell, provide, throw out) or use it into a temporary backup container.Take out everything, or just about everything, from your own kitchen counters.If your own electric may opener, blender, meal processor, toaster, microwave, loaf of bread box, and knife set virtually all stand guard onto your kitchen counters you should ensure that they stand downward.Put the actual 242 mismatched plastic lids and yogurt cans you've happen to be saving into your recycle bin, and finish off the teacups you inherited from Great Great aunt Gertrude.If you can't use it every single day then clean it released.The less you could have in your cupboards the bigger they will appear and the better impressed a buyer could be.Potential purchasers aren't keen on what amazing stuff you have got.They wish to see themselves in the space.Whenever they can check out their stuff inside your space you are one step closer to a sale made.3.Basic Neutral colors within the walls, in the few accessories where you will keep, and within the floors give your house that wonderful "model home" being.Helping your house ready that can be purchased often intervals means re-inventing a look.Other than weeding over your stuff, cleaning and even de-personalizing, painting the actual walls will be your best investment.Painting all of your house a light neutral color, light, off-white or maybe taupe, one example is - brightens the space, turning it into look larger and fresher.Don't spend some money replacing the flooring.Produce only small repairs as well as do basically basic renovation, if absolutely necessary.Fix squeaking house hinges, do something about the supply of any water stains, develop the carpets cleaned out.But do not suddenly attempt to build some recreation room within the basement.
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преди 9 години
[b][url=http://***]padora charms[/url][/b][b][url=http://***]padora charms[/url][/b][b][url=http://***]pandora bracelet[/url][/b][b][url=http://***]padora charms[/url][/b][b][url=http://***]padora charms[/url][/b][b][url=http://***]pandora bracelet[/url][/b][b][url=http://***]pandora sale[/url][/b][b][url=http://***]pandora jewelry[/url][/b] define "beauty" for him or her.They is the keys to opening up a homebuyer's spirit and credit card.1.CleanFirst impressions are necessary.And suppress appeal means exactly that:How does your private home look in the curbside.Check your own emotions for the curb.Stand out on your way in front of your house with a notepad.What will you see? Ensure that the grass is reduce, the lawn is properly edged not to mention any junk from the yard fully gone.A easy, colorful garden is usually appealing.Hold it weeded.Strategically set pots of bright flowers on the entryway.There're welcoming, emanate warmth, and are also always visually pleasing.If at all, remove playground equipment because its not all buyer would have a home; it takes up space and can give all the impression that the yard is actually smaller than its.The pool need to be sparkling as well as pool fashion accessories well kept.Do what must be done to fix up chipped paint, faded pack boards, or maybe a rusted mail.Paint your doorway.A well-appointed doorway gives potential purchasers that all-important amazing first sense.It pronounces, "I am maintained."For anyone who is not normally obsessive about keeping typically the dust bunnies from increasing, now may be the time to obtain better acquainted with your broom.Not a soul wants in order to visualize residing in a mucky house.Hold it thoroughly clean and smelling normally fresh, and visions of your dwelling as their residence will be easy to conjure " up ".Seriously consider the cleanliness belonging to the entry, the kitchen and the bathrooms.These rooms may make or break the sale to a house.Hold them gleaming, clutter-free in addition to bright.3.Uncluttered A nicely staged house is one that was mercilessly lessen.It is actually anonymous; not any family pictures, no gifts, no knick-knacks.Homebuyers will not be like visitors.They can be in your cupboards, cabinets and medication cabinets.Don't clear off your counters and leave everything inside the cupboards.Reducing excess "stuff" will be cathartic, but if at all just much too daunting a task to tackle your self enlist the help of a close friend, or hire an established organizer (See:Nation's Association associated with Professional Organizers).Episode the cellar, garage as well as every closet/cupboard in your house with typically the fierce will of the army drill sergeant.Make it possible for no errant footwear, unused your kitchen's gadget, or expired cough syrup bottle go by without to begin with scrutinizing it all.Keep only whatever you use or even wear sometimes.Pack the rest as well as either decommission it again (re-sell, provide, throw out) or use it into a temporary backup container.Take out everything, or just about everything, from your own kitchen counters.If your own electric may opener, blender, meal processor, toaster, microwave, loaf of bread box, and knife set virtually all stand guard onto your kitchen counters you should ensure that they stand downward.Put the actual 242 mismatched plastic lids and yogurt cans you've happen to be saving into your recycle bin, and finish off the teacups you inherited from Great Great aunt Gertrude.If you can't use it every single day then clean it released.The less you could have in your cupboards the bigger they will appear and the better impressed a buyer could be.Potential purchasers aren't keen on what amazing stuff you have got.They wish to see themselves in the space.Whenever they can check out their stuff inside your space you are one step closer to a sale made.3.Basic Neutral colors within the walls, in the few accessories where you will keep, and within the floors give your house that wonderful "model home" being.Helping your house ready that can be purchased often intervals means re-inventing a look.Other than weeding over your stuff, cleaning and even de-personalizing, painting the actual walls will be your best investment.Painting all of your house a light neutral color, light, off-white or maybe taupe, one example is - brightens the space, turning it into look larger and fresher.Don't spend some money replacing the flooring.Produce only small repairs as well as do basically basic renovation, if absolutely necessary.Fix squeaking house hinges, do something about the supply of any water stains, develop the carpets cleaned out.But do not suddenly attempt to build some recreation room within the basement.[url=] charms blog [/url][url=] charms [/url][url=] About blog [/url]
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