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SAP AG удвои нетната си печалба за първото тримесечие

10:54 | 19.04.01 г.
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SAP AG удвои нетната си печалба за първото тримесечие
Най-големия германски разработчик на софтуер SAP AG съобщи, че е удвоил печалбата си за първото тримесечие на 2001 г. спрямо същия период на миналата година до 117 милиона евро ($103.8 милиона), или 36 цента на акция, от 56 милиона евро или 18 цента на акция, съобщи компанията преди старта на търговията във Франкфурт тази сутрин.
Вследствие на новината акциите на SAP AG поскъпват и в момента с нови 6,75%, след като вчера качиха 10%. 90% от компаниите в индекса за немски акции DAX 30 в момента отбелязват корекция на вчерашното покачване вследствие на лихвеното понижение от Федералния резерв.
SAP AG се търгува на БФБ-София чрез БДР и в момента цената му е 3.2154 лв. за разписка изчислено през цената във Франкфурт.

информация за цените на компаниите включени в DAX можете да намерите на адрес:

Цялата новина за SAP е:

SAP First-Quarter Net Doubles, Beating Estimates

Walldorf, Germany, April 19 (Bloomberg) -- SAP AG, the largest maker of business management
software, said first-quarter earnings doubled as revenue rose 29 percent, beating analysts' estimates.
The shares gained as much as 8 percent.

Net income rose to 117 million euros ($103.8 million), or 36 cents a share, from 56 million euros, or
18 cents a share, in the same period a year earlier, the company said. SAP also predicted higher
sales and profit in the first nine months of 2001.

``It's a blow-out quarter,'' said Joe Bracken, an analyst at J.P. Morgan. Analysts polled by Bloomberg
News were expecting a net income increase of 43 percent and a sales rise of 21 percent.

SAP's earnings jumped as operating costs rose just 2 percent in the quarter, while expenses related
to a staff option program fell. SAP also fared better than rivals because it generates a higher
proportion of its revenue in Europe, analysts said.

I2 Technologies Inc., a U.S. rival, yesterday said it will have a loss in the second and the third
quarters and may even lose money for the year as companies cut back on spending.

`` Although the environment is challenging, SAP remains confident about expectations for its
operations through the first three quarters of this year,'' the company said in a statement.

SAP preferred shares rose as much as 12 euros to 166 euros, extending yesterday's 11 percent gain
and giving the Walldorf- based company a market value of about 52 billion euros.

Europe Leads

European sales rose 31 percent to 796 million euros in the three months through March, the
company said on its Web site, while U.S. sales rose 26 percent to 550 million, after a 20 percent
growth rate in the quarter a year earlier.

Operating profit excluding costs for SAP's STAR employee bonus program rose 82 percent to 233
million euros from 128 million euros a year earlier. STAR costs totaled 27 million euros. SAP
posted its worst earnings of 2000 in the first quarter of last year after it took a 239
million-euro-charge for STAR.

SAP was expected to report net income of 80.1 million euros and revenue of 1.45 billion euros,
according to the average estimate of four analysts polled by Bloomberg News.

Revenue rose to 1.5 billion euros from 1.2 billion. The company has so far said it expects first-half
revenue to slightly exceed the 23 percent growth rate it achieved for all of 2000.

Today, it added third quarter sales to its forecast and said it expects the nine-month operating
margin to increase 1 percentage point to 2 percentage points from the 14 percent margin it had in
the year-earlier period.
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